Protecting our environment and ensuring a sustainable future is vastly important to all of us at Ananda Tours.
We want all customers travelling around New Zealand to have to greatest experience. The protection of our beautiful landscapes and environment will ensure longevity for future generations. At Ananda Tours, we aim to showcase our beautifully unique region for many generations to come. We have committed to various environmental practices in order to reduce our environmental impact and provide a green way of living that is sustainable for everybody.
Here are a few ways we are helping to reduce our impact on the environment.
- Reducing our carbon footprint
o Idling of the vehicles kept to a minimum
o Regular maintenance checks (fuel efficiency, tyre pressures etc)
o Vehicles are consistently maintained to the highest standards
Ananda Tours is proud to be certified Nett Zero Carbon Lite Ekos. We have measured and offset the carbon footprint of our Business Operations for the 2022 financial year with certified carbon credits. These offsets grow and protect forests in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands and help to deliver climate resilience, waterways protection, erosion control, biodiversity conservation and community economic development.
- Recycling and Waste Reduction
o Recycling all paper goods, recyclable plastic and glass
o Using biodegradable plant-based bottle water (when needed), but encouraging customers to bring their own refillable water bottle instead.
o Minimize waste by using products with minimum packaging, leaving no litter.
o Ensure no rubbish is dropped on tour – and try to collect any rubbish we see on tour, including walking along the beaches or walking the coastal bush tracks.
o Composting any food waste generated by the office.
o Shred any waste paper and composting onsite.
- Digital communication
o Sending mail digitally
o Providing digital options for all forms and documents
o Reduced printing within the office
- Sustainable business practice
o Supporting local providers and produce as much as we can.
o The vineyards that we visit are certified through Sustainable Winegrowing NZ or BioGro NZ
o Supporting other sustainable businesses who align their practices and packaging for future generations and the preservation of our environment
- Procurement
o Buy locally made Waiheke products where possible.
o Source environmentally friendly car cleaning products.
o Where possible purchase products with compostable or recyclable packaging.
- Supporting our local Waiheke Resourcesdonations Trust by facilitating our guests to make a $10 pp donation when booking our tours. Waiheke Resources Trust use the dotations to plant and look after native trees, clean up our beaches and waterways and support those in need on Waiheke Island. Find out more about what they do at
- Our local guides are not only passionate about their job but have an invested interest into the beautiful island they get to call home. Our guides are passionate about the preservation of our unique environment, ensuring we keep our home as beautiful and clean as possible.
- Our guides help to educate our guests about Waiheke's unique environment but talking about water conservation and recycling. We want to make sure that our guests respect, participate and are knowledgeable about the preservation of our Island and New Zealand as a whole.
- Our Ananda Tours office uses solar power and sits on a large area of bush in sunny Ostend, where it’s surrounded by native birds and fauna. To protect local wildlife the land is a part of the Te Korowai o Waiheke rat pilot operational trials, aiming to eradicate the island of pests so native birds like Kererū, Kākā and Tui can thrive. If you wish to donate to Te Korowai o Waiheke you can do so HERE
- Learn More about the Waiheke Local Climate Action Plan